Start Your Own Dog Business Course
100% FREE. The idea is to show you as much as possible about all the biggest dog-related business options before you start up the idea that you already have in your head.
This image (here below) is what I used as a guide when I created this course for you. I suggest that you look at it in detail, so you will have a better idea as to what I will be covering in the training. The actual training videos are below the image.
WARNING – This is not a rant, but a fact that should help you become one of the 1% of people who will go on to succeed with your own pet business.
I need to point out a thing right here before you get started below. The nearest thing I have for you as a short version of this course (also known as a cheat sheet) is the image above. I have not tried very hard to make each of these videos 30 seconds long. Not even one tiny bit.
I know that many of you would love to learn how to start a dog business with only three 30-second videos, and then a link to a quick done-for-you website. (so funny, Rob)
I have a simple theory. Those of you who are prepared to go through this course in detail, listen to every word I say, and even put up with my silly jokes and comments that I throw in a lot, are those people who are deadly serious about starting up a business.
It is well known that people think that “free” content is rubbish, and would rather pay $1000 for a more “serious” course.
If you are serious and go through the whole course, then take the trouble to follow on with more details I offer, there is a very high chance that you will be one of the 1% that do all that. This is really good news because you will be more likely to succeed than those who were too lazy or simply dismissed my training as rubbish because it is free. Go figure.
Video number one – Introduction.
Warning first. I never do quick 60-second videos. My theory is that – especially in the beginning – you need to hear every word that I say, even when I go off on a sideways ramble, simply because you are going to need to soak up a lot of new information.
Comment number two – This entire course was created a few years ago so I refer to things that might have changed completely by now.
I will be back sooner or later (if there is a lot of interest in my course) to revise and update everything.
If you find anything that is glaringly bad, please email me and tell me what it is. Thank you – and finally, I really do appreciate the fact that you found my course and are now willingly going to watch it.
Video number two – Necessary Online Properties.
This is which combination of websites and or social media places that you need to use for each type of online business you wish to start. Free websites or paid websites, which social media places you need and more.
Please keep an eye on the blog, because I will be doing more detailed videos for each one of these dog business ideas, and then on those, I would also cover which platforms you need to either join or become a part of.
Side note – I refer to the Fibromyalgia Club website occasionally and need to tell you that I closed that business down.
Video number three – Organic vs Paid traffic.
An 8-minute video where I discuss what organic traffic is, how you get organic traffic, and other traffic. Paid traffic and social media traffic.
Video number four – Potential Costs.
I discuss things like getting the best hosting, the prices connected to that, and other things that need to be done and what those costs might be. Most of this could be done for free. 100%.
But! I highly suggest that you get the minimum you need which is a domain and hosting.
Then I discuss the donkey work that you could do yourself and save that money, and as usual, there are people who could do any or all of these services for you for a fee.
See the free download I have for you at the bottom of this page where you can get links that I know work, and are not any bad places for the services you might need for your business.
Video number five – Types of online businesses – affiliate style.
I cover what you need to know to set up your affiliate account at Amazon. (do you wonder if this works? – look at the sidebar on this very page and there is a high chance that I have some banner ads for Amazon. Hell, I encourage you to click on the link and go to amazon and buy a ton of stuff – so I can get some commissions :))
I look into dog collars as an example.
I would love to have a dog collar business.
Video number six – Kindle Books
Writing books and then getting them ranked and selling them on Amazon is an amazing residual income business. If you are following my own website here (or get yourself onto my e-mail lists) you will see that I plan to write a series of dog business-related books and plan to get them up onto Kindle as an extra income for my business.
Doing this gives me many advantages.
Each book will be cheap, which will make people buy it because it will not break the bank, and then each book will have links in it to my other paid products. Course, keyword packages, other books and my services.
This is what I call authority websites, or just “blogging” in my training here. It is quite a bit more work to set up and get started, but once you have all the cogs in place and set up properly, it should all combine to power traffic to your online properties and cause your bookkeeper to phone you in a panic because your taxes will be super high.
Video number seven – Amazon and Etsy FBA.
FBA means “fulfilment by Amazon”, so I guess FBE should be what I use for Etsy, right?
This is simply getting your products up on Amazon and Etsy. Preferably your own manufactured products, but you could do many other ways here to get sales.
Amazon also has a Handmade Section.
Video number eight – Drop shipping
Doing drop shipping is actually a really good way to make some money and just like Print On Demand, it is dependant upon two things happening well. One, choosing a safe and reliable supplier, and two, making sure you have targeted buyer traffic seeing your products a lot. (Number two could either be paid advertising or a decent keyword-orientated blog should do really well too.)
Video number nine – Print On Demand (POD)
Print-on-demand is an amazing business model. It allows you to grow and expand your product lists and options in leaps and bounds.
It is also very customisable and that also is huge in the dog or pet niche. Duh!
Video number ten – Clickbank – Affiliate marketing
I use “Clickbank” here as the main example, but simply any good affiliate marketing site could literally be the only product you promote and earn an income from if you niche it down via keyword research and keyword marketing.
Such easy money, just a bit of a slog to get it all set up. 6 months should be more than enough to then have a dog business earning you a lovely “side hustle” income.
In my case, I plan to get this entire website going as a massive authority website and earn many different streams of income, all driven by keywords ranking across the dog niche board. This will probably mean more than a year or even two years of work. well worth it in the end.
Video number eleven – Other affiliate marketing.
Watch the video, but as a shortcut simply type this into Google and see how many dog-related affiliate programs appear. “dog affiliate programs” I did it and got all excited.
Video number twelve – Digital courses – Your own courses.
Creating courses has always been one of the best ways to make money online. Plus, once your courses are established and earning you regular sales and loyal followers, you can easily add a monthly membership site. Do the numbers, 1000 monthly members @ $90 a month… Or maybe only 100 members at $50 a month is still great income that is over and above all your other income streams.
BTW – I doubt I go into too much detail about e-mail marketing in this course, but if you built up an email list of 10 000 or more over time, you are pretty much guaranteed a ton of sales each time you add a new product to your online properties ( an ew course, a new book, or just a new affiliate link) – Money for nothing. So cool.
Video number thirteen – Dog directory and Dog classified websites
This one needs a bit of keyword and niche research first, but when you know what will work, you simply need to do a ton of donkey work and sooner or later you will have a residual income that just keeps on paying you – month after month.
Then you go and see which beaches in the world are the best ones to sit on. (with your dog, of course)
Video number fourteen – Blogging – AKA Authority website
OOOh! Dozens of income streams that will flow into your bank monthly. This one will pretty much cover all the ways to make money with a dog or pet-related business idea, and the best part is that you will not need to walk any dogs other than your own.
This website is my (planned) version of that authority website.
Video number fifteen – Local Business.
I can show you how to set up these businesses so that you will beat out ALL your opposition eventually, but they are all businesses (ok, not all, but mostly) that require that you work every day.
These are things like dog walking, dog sitting, dog grooming, dog training, doggy day care and more. They seem like such a cool way to meet and interact with dogs and more every day, but you do need to know that they require you to do the actual work every day. If you are up for that, then this business model is for you.
I will be putting together more focused training videos and keyword groups for you to buy from me sooner or later.
Video number sixteen – How to make this all happen.
Yeah, so, so far all I have done is tell you that there are ways to actually make dog businesses work for you really well.
This is where the rubber meets the road (or is it the paws hit the tar?) and you will need to go ahead and start taking action.
I am going to add a downloadable PDF here that will list all my courses that should be all you need to get your online businesses up and running. Find the download lower down on this page…
Final Comments
I appreciate that you have been here and have probably gone through the course.
If you are really serious about starting up a dog or pet-related website, you will go through the course a second time and this time take notes.
I suggest that you also go to the blog page and see what newer videos I have for you that should help you get started from an even stronger online skills place.
At the time of writing this comment (early 2023), it was years after I originally make the training on this subject, but I did listen to the course again and it is still valid now.
I also mentioned my Fibromyalgia Club website where all the courses that I now offer for free using to be part of a paid membership website. My fibromyalgia still exists, but it is fed by anxiety, and I have a lot less of that since settling in Canada.
If you enjoyed my course, and feel that you gained some skills and knowledge from my course, I would be very grateful if you would send me a review via email. Thank you.
Finally, I have a freebies page where you can get a few things and on my shop page, I offer you more detailed training and keyword packages – if you are serious about starting your doggy business and are looking for every advantage you can get.
I wish you all the best in your new business.
Free report
This report is part of the course for your new pet business.
It has all the necessary links that you might need to get most of the things you will need to get your business started.
Plus, I am happy to tell you – most of them are 100% free. You can get access to at least 100 more training videos that will help you get things done more efficiently in connection with your new business.
Please CLICK HERE to get the free report.
Please note that it is on a site that also allows you to download all the videos that you have seen here on this page.
I have a few freebies that you might like to download. These might help you get your pet related business started even faster.
Faq – Frequently Asked Questions
What if I need even more details on my pet business idea?
For now, there is a lot of information inside the course, but we will be adding a lot more detailed training. I plan to take the top 20 or 30 ways that you could make money with doggy stuff and detail each one in a separate series for you to get access to.
This will include keyword research and detailed videos.
As each one gets done, you will find mention of it on the blog page and for sale inside the shop page.
Plus, you could find a lot of help when you watch any of the other free courses that I have for you already. Those can be found on the free download I have at the bottom of this page.
I should add, that you could go to my services page and book time with me to get a personalised plan done for you.
Which pet business options will earn the most income?
Probably the “authority” website blogging model. This is because you could grow the website to a point where it is the biggest online and could literally earn you millions of dollars. (Careful – this would eventually need a staff of a few dozen people).
The advantage of an authority site is that you can build a dozen or more income streams into the site and they will all combine to give you a great income.
However, I would like to add that – for example – if you built up a brand name for a product that you own and manufacture, like dog collars, dog toys or even a dog food brand, you could end up with a valuable business that might also be worth a lot of money.
Please note that everything I teach here is more than enough to get your business going all the way up to (perhaps) $100 000 a month and even more than that, but if your dreams and hopes are to have a million-dollars-a-month business, then somewhere along the way you are going to need business advice that is more along the corporate level, than my work from home tips and advice and courses.
I a Print-on-demand business a good idea for a dog business?
Yes. An amazingly brilliant business model.
However, this business is not without issues.
Let me explain one of the issues. You will create a product and list it in a few places (your website, Etsy, on youtube and all over social media). Then you will do that over and over again until sooner or later you will have hundreds of listings. And then the prices will go up, or they will be out of stock for a few weeks or go on special for whatever reason. You will need to have planned for this so that the only point where the price is mentioned is on the actual order page. Then you should be using a POD service that will update all your listings automatically.
If you get my downloadable report that I offer you here on this page there is a chance that as many as 20% of my links that I have been fiddling with (in the report) over the years are broken or wrong. What I am saying is that even though I know not to let this happen, it happens all the time – to me anyway LOL.
But other than a few small issues, the business model has some amazing reasons for being so good.
Personalisation is one, then many of the actual products are in massive demand as gifts all the time. Mugs, clothing and more.
Endless keyword and buyer list opportunities.
If I have some money to invest, what are the best options?
There is no simple answer here, simply because there are far too many options that a doggy business could be about.
I have a short answer to this question. Go to my services page and book an hour or three with me and let us start to explore all the best options for you and the capital that you have to invest.
For example, it might pay you to go through the effort of choosing a niche or sub-niche and then simply start off by buying an established business and using your money to grow it from there. You will get to the big paydays faster that way.
Are there any dog businesses that could bring in a residual recurring income?
Almost all the “blogging” ways to make money should give you a high level of residual income. Most of these will need you to do a lot of work in the first 6 months to a year, but when you have established your blog (and all the income streams you built into it) you will probably only need to work on the site for about one day a week.
Plus, you could get virtual assistants to work for you once your income allows that, and then literally behave as if you are retired.
However, the most reliable way to have an almost pure residual income would need to be affiliate marketing or written books that are ranking on Amazon Kindle.
Can I run a dog-related business from any country in the world?
The “local” dog businesses like dog walking, dog grooming and others might not work everywhere. (you would have to live in a town or city where there is a demand for those services).
However, 90% of all the other ways that you could make money from pet business ideas will work as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.
Can this be done without spending any money at all?
Yes. That is the simple answer, but you really should start off with the basics like a domain and hosting.
Then remember that there are a dozen things that I teach you how to do, but if you can afford to pay to get them done for you it will save you a lot of time getting up and running.
If you are really so broke that you need money this week, then you will need to start offering a service that is in demand. This service need not be in the dog or pet niche but will need to be something where you can get “orders” almost immediately to get some cash flow going.
Do I need to be experienced on the subject of dogs or other pets?
I would like to believe that you want a pet or dog business because you own and love dogs like crazy, but I guess that it is not actually something that has to be like that.
Like anything in life, you can learn about the subject and then become an expert over time.
I highly suggest that if you really did wonder about this question, then you should make a list of the top 10 things that you are passionate about and look at doing one of those topics as your chosen niche to start a business online.
How many people would be needed to run these businesses?
The bigger your business gets the more likely you will need to start to employ more staff.
However, for 90% of the businesses I show you here on this website how to set up and run, you can do them all by yourself.
To be honest, you are most likely to add people when you finally realise that the business is almost running itself and you can afford to spend the money on someone who could do the daily work AND still find time to do the things that will grow your business even more.
This seems like a good starting point, but what if I need help with the more detailed stuff once the business starts?
This would depend on what your business’s needs are. I could fulfil many of the services you need – for example, I can set up 50 social media profiles for you, I could then create one year of content for those sites and finally post to 20 or more places for you daily. All that comes with a fee, but if you can afford it, it could help shoot your website up the rankings far faster than if you were doing it all yourself to save money.