One-on-one Business consultation


This is a limited service that I offer where we can meet (probably online) and discuss specific aspects of your business and target aspects of your online properties that you need to look at in more detail.

If you have been following my videos and perhaps looked at specific keyword packages and more, you might need a meeting where you get to ask me specific questions relating to your doggy business.

This is booked and prepaid and runs on an hourly rate.

The cost for this service is $125.00 per hour, or part thereof.

See the bottom for details to consider adding to the meeting.

If you have ordered another package that I offer, this consultation might be included there, so please check this with me before you double-book.

Possible Topics to Discuss


Which online properties to build and or focus upon – based on your area and core product.

  • A deep look at your website and discussion on which aspects to edit or improve upon.
  • Local vs international marketing for your core product.
  • Local Marketing options and actions to take for your core product.
  • Social media marketing ideas.
  • SEO? or Advertising? Local advertising or countrywide or international?
  • Keywords to target for different things (local, niche drill down, seasonal etc)


Details to tell me about before we even start the meeting.

In the past, I have found that if we just start a meeting without specific items on an agenda that we need to cover, the meeting will use up your allocated time without getting very far.

I, therefore, ask you to add as much information in the contact form below for me to look at, and even do a bit of pre-research for you so I can come to our meeting well-informed on your business’s needs and issues.





Once you have completed the form and sent it, I will look through the details and then send you a replay and or a link where you can go to reserve a time for our meeting and pay for the time you wish to book with me.

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